New Small Groups

With our Community Bible Study completed, we want to create more space for you to grow in community. Check out some new small groups that will be starting soon.


Practicing the Way

The Practicing the Way Course features sessions of teaching, guided conversation, and spiritual exercises designed to
lay a foundation for lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus. For in-depth information on the course, visit their website. Kristen Rekker and Evan Versteeg invite you to join them biweekly at Kortright on Fridays at 7pm beginning May 10th. Dropping your youth off? Stay for the study! The Practicing the Way book is not required for this study. 

Matthew – Women’s Small Group

Dive deeper into the Gospel of Matthew in this women’s study, meeting online weekly (day to be determined) from 7:30-8:30pm, with the option to attend a monthly in-person social. The time and online format was chosen to particularly accommodate women with young families, but women of all ages are welcome to attend. Facilitated by Elené Wadsworth.


For those who want to wade through the nuances and complexities of Scripture. We’ll be using “The BEMA Discipleship Podcast” as a launching point for our discussion through the early chapters of Genesis and how they form how we see and read the rest of Scripture. Hosted by Justin and Lindsay Sytsma at their home Thursdays at 7pm. Running from May 9 – June 20.


Explore the book of Joshua through Louie Giglio’s RightNow Media series. Join Kathy Johnston Tuesdays from 9:30-11am at 138 Freshmeadow Way Guelph. Starting May 7th to June 4th.