Children’s Ministries
Children’s Ministries at KPC
At Kortright we provide nursery care for children under the age of 4 and Sunday School for kids in JK-Grade 6 during our weekly 10:15am service. Every week our wonderful Sunday School and nursery teachers seek to communicate the hope of the Gospel in ways our kids can understand while encouraging them to grow together in friendship and community. We have often said that we see our kids not just as the church of tomorrow but as an integral part of the church today, and we actively seek ways to include them in the fullness of life in our church community.
What to Expect on Sunday Mornings:
When you arrive: We invite all families to make your way to the East Pod to register at our kids welcome desk. A volunteer will be there to greet you and help you sign in with a printed name tag and security tag for each child. Returning families are invited to find their kids names on the tablet and sign themselves in.
Nursery-aged children: The nursery door is adjacent to our Sunday School space, and once registered, families with children under the age of 4 can also sign in directly at the tablet on the nursery desk. Each parent will be given a pager so they can be reached if your child needs a diaper change or any other assistance. You can read our full nursery protocols here.
Family worship: Once your child has received their name tag, we encourage families to enter the sanctuary and sit together for our opening time of worship. A slide will show after the final song, prompting the children to move back into the East Pod for their Sunday School lesson.
Pickup time: Once the service ends, please proceed directly to the East Pod or nursery, where a volunteer will help you sign out your child. Once picked up, children are invited to join us along with their families in the community room for juice and fellowship.
*What is your Nursery like?
The nursery provides a safe and welcoming place for children to play and discover in community with experienced childcare volunteers who regularly attend Kortright. Every week there is a simple Bible story and related crafts children can participate in. You can read our full nursery protocols here.
*I am a parent with an infant who is too young for nursery care. Do you have a “Parents Room”?
Yes, we have a parents room with a live feed of the service and a change table available adjacent to our sound and tech booth in the back of the sanctuary. Please ask any greeter or regular attender if you need help locating this space.
*My child is not yet ready to join in with Sunday School. Are they able to sit in on the adult service?
While we would always encourage our kids to give Sunday School a try, children are absolutely welcome to stay in the main service with their families or sit at the activity table in the community room if they need to.
*Which curriculum do you use?
Kortright uses the Hyfi curriculum for Sunday School. This curriculum teaches the truths of Scripture in a way that helps kids understand their identity in Christ.
*Do you have a newsletter?
Yes! The best way to stay up to date with our upcoming events, kids news and lesson plans is to sign up to our monthly newsletter here
*Who do I contact if I have further questions?
For more information about our Children’s Ministries, please email Elene at kidsmin@kortrightchurch.