Statement of Faith
We believe…
The Bible is the uniquely inspired written word of God
and has supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
God is one in three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit
and He is the sovereign Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer and Judge of all things.
Human beings are the crown of creation
In the beginning, God created humans in His image and they enjoyed a loving intimacy with God.
Through Adam, Eve and the Tempter, sin was introduced
and a deep brokenness impacted them, all future humanity and creation itself. A consequence of sin is that there is no aspect of creation, including human nature, that is not distorted and corrupted compared to their original created state. Because of sin (our inherited nature as well as our active disobedience or passive indifference to God and His will) we stand fallen and condemned before Him.
But God, because of His great love for us, began a process of redemption which culminated in the coming of Jesus Christ,
who is truly God and truly human, was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life and died a substitutionary death on the cross as the complete atonement for our sins. He was raised bodily on the third day, ascended victoriously into heaven and now reigns at the right hand of God the Father.
Salvation (forgiveness of sin and new life in Christ) is offered freely to all as a gift from God.
In order to possess that gift, each person must receive it by putting his/her faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.
The Holy Spirit indwells the life of every Christian.
From the time of our new birth, He works within us to increase our faith, convict us of sin and lead us to repentance, and changes us so that we become more like our Lord. The Spirit also equips and empowers each believer so that we may be effective servants working to build up the Kingdom of God.
If you have any questions about what we believe or of your own personal faith walk, please contact our church office, (519)-836-9400, and someone will be happy to contact you.