Prayer Ministries
Prayer has always undergirded Kortright and its ministries. It is a vital part of our personal relationship with God, corporate life, and care for each other. Through prayer, small groups, ministries, leaders and the congregation we seek forgiveness, direction, healing and comfort, offer worship, and give thanks.
Kortright also offers prayer as part of its pastoral care and discipleship development. The ministries operate within the order and policies of Kortright, including confidentiality and are under the oversight of the Prayer Ministry Leadership Team.
Intercessory Support
- Prayer Chain
The prayer chain coordinator will send it to the intercessors. When you know the outcome, please send us an update at
- Intercession
KPC encourages team leaders to develop a core of prayer supporters for their ministries and programs.
- Intercessors
If you want to pray for a ministry or be on the prayer chain please contact your ministry team leader or
Healing: Body, Soul and Spirit
God works through healing prayer to change us so we can become more like Christ and to improve our physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual well being. During healing prayer he deals with core problems, issues, or blocks as well as with symptoms.
If you want prayer, members of Prayer Ministry team are available
- After church services – Each week, two trained prayer ministers are available in the sanctuary near the large wooden cross at the back corner.
- During healing services – Occasionally services have a focus on healing ministry and 4-6 prayer teams are available.
- In extended appointments – If your situation requires a longer time of prayer ministry, please contact
For more information about Prayer Ministries, please contact the office at 519-836-9400 ext 11 or