Who can attend Kortright?
You can!
People of all ages, backgrounds, and experiences worship with us, making us a diverse and intergenerational congregation that proclaims good news of Jesus Christ in word and action. We rely on the scriptures for God’s guidance and believe in the Trinity, God revealed in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We share our beliefs on our website under the “Welcome” and “Resources” headings to help people discern whether God is calling them to Kortright. We have both members and adherents. We welcome those with an established faith in Jesus Christ, those who are exploring faith in Jesus Christ, and those simply seeking a caring church community.
Who can become a member?
The requirements are simple!
Anyone who has a personal and saving faith in Jesus and is baptized may become a member of Kortright, subject to the following. All prospective members must a) attend a half-day membership seminar to learn about Kortright and our Presbyterian denominational background, b) fill in an application form, and c) be recommended to Session for membership after being interviewed by two elders. People can become members after making a profession of faith (in Jesus Christ) or by transfer from another church. Kortright recognizes the baptism of any Christian denomination and child or adult baptism.
Who can take communion?
Kortright practices “open” communion!
This means that anyone who professes Jesus as saviour and Lord is free to partake. Children who have been baptized and understand the meaning of communion may also partake of the elements. Kortright has communion, also known as The Lord’s Supper, and the Eucharist, services on the first Sunday of the month.
Where is Kortright located?
You can find us at 55 Devere Drive, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2T3, in a building that was an elementary school. The building is accessible, being all on one level.
How do I contact Kortright?
Contact our church administrator either by email: office@kortrightchurch.org; or by telephone: 519-836-9400.
What is Kortright’s position on Marriage?
Kortright holds an orthodox understanding of marriage.
In accordance with the policy of The Presbyterian Church in Canada, the session of Kortright Presbyterian Church, Guelph, has determined that for our congregation, marriage is a covenant between one man and one woman. Subject to this policy and other requirements, Kortright is pleased to be a part of weddings. You can read our position on marriage here.
What does Kortright believe?
You can read our statement of faith here.
What is the denomination?
Kortright is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Canada.
What is Presbyterianism?
Presbyterian churches hold a Reformed understanding of theology.
Presbyteros is the Greek word used in the New Testament to refer to elders. “Presbyterian” refers to a form of church government in which leadership authority is held collectively by a council of elders. An ordained minister is considered the Teaching Elder. Other elders are considered Ruling Elders.
The Session is a council (also known as a court) at the congregational level consisting of the Teaching elder and all the Ruling Elders. A Presbytery is a court at the regional level, composed of one Ruling Elder and one Teaching elder from each church within that region. The General Assembly is the highest court of the church and has representation from each Presbytery across the country. It meets annually, composed of 1/6 of all the Teaching Elders in the denomination, and an equal number of Ruling Elders.
What is Reformed theology?
Five statements known as the five “solas” provide a succinct summary of key concepts of Reformed theology. Sola is the Latin word for “only” or “alone.” They are sola Scriptura (Scripture alone), sola fide (faith alone), sola gratia (grace alone), solus Christus (Christ alone), and soli Deo gloria (God’s glory alone).
John Calvin, an influential Reformer living in Geneva, Switzerland in the mid-16th century, preached and taught this Reformed theology. Thus, it is often referred to as Calvinism.